case study
About The Project

Order Food Via Foody Ninja foody Ninja

The On-Demand Food Delivery Application is a simple and easy to use android app that helps you find your favorite restaurants and order their food to pick up or have it delivered right at your doorstep. The application uses the google maps API to get the location of the restaurant and display its name on the map, so that users can easily find their desired restaurant. Furthermore, users can also filter restaurants by cuisine type or by distance from their current location.

A comprehensive list of restaurants is included in the application which covers a wide range of cuisines including American, Chinese, European and Indian etc. The app also provides an option for customizing the order according to the preferences such as choosing a dressing for salad or adding extra items like cheese on pizza etc., so that you get exactly what you want out of the application!

App Features

App Features

  • As per client's needs Niwax has developed a Food Delivery App.
  • Live Rider Location Tracking to allow customers to have a proper track of their food
  • Advanced Payment Services to avoid the hustle of cash when food arrives
  • Promotional Codes to enjoy additional off on the food
  • Explore restaurants and choose from the finest dining in the town
  • Track live food status from order received to order delivery.
  • Reviews and Rating management to ensure quality
  • Manage Restaurants and providing feedbacks of the customers
  • Manage Food Cuisines to give more attention to the highest demand
  • Orders management in an array to wisely have a record of orders.
  • Featured restaurants option as per the popularity
  • Payment Gateway to accept prepaid orders.

Admin Features

  • On the Settings board, admin can customize the general, global, and specific statistics for their site.
  • On the Site information administrator page, one can add logo, site name, slogan, Mission explanation, analytics code, mail setting, invoice, offline, SMS, meta tag, language, and more.
  • Multiple order management enables restaurant owners to manage orders for the delivery process so that all the orders can be managed with ease.
  • Food category & subcategory management allows restaurant operators to easily add new menus to sell a variety of culinary goods in any amount or range.
  • The restaurant's specialty can be highlighted by showcasing the restaurant's particular meal menu. Admin can easily handle add-ons, allowing consumers to treat themselves to the necessary toppings and add-ons for their orders.
  • Chat with customers to avoid the chaos if customers face any trouble with the order, they can directly pin to chat support or restaurant.
  • Admin can send a custom notification if there is any offer in the customer's favorite restaurant.
  • Admin can create as many vouchers as they want, with single/multiple usage, price/percentage offer, and expiration date options.


A challenge we faced when developing the food delivery application was how to make the app dynamic and interactive. The UI of the application had to be responsive, this can be done by using AngularJS which is a front-end framework for building web applications. We used AngularJS because it provides templates, controllers, filters and directives to make the front end of our application look good and dynamic.

Another challenge was how to manage data between our backend and front end. We use Javascript to send and receive data from our application server so we need a way to store this data on our client side.

  • So we used Angular and Laravel, and these are different frameworks.
  • The data model does not match with the front-end framework.
  • Sometimes, it's challenging to get the right data in time when using HTTP requests, especially when you have a lot of user requests at the same time.
  • It's hard to integrate different front-end frameworks like React or Vue with Laravel.
case study

How We Work

When we start to work on a new project, we have to make sure to find the best way to create something new. We try using different libraries and frameworks in order to create something that works well. The first thing we did was research about the best ways to create such an app. We found out that there are many different options available for us, but the one that caught our attention was Laravel and AngularJS.

We wanted to create a simple, clean, easy to use website which looks great on any device. We also wanted to make it fast, so that people can easily place their order without waiting for too long. So we breaked it into following-

  • The first is the database structure, as you need to store lots of data like restaurants, menus, recipes and so on.
  • The second is the authentication system, because you will have users who can place orders.
  • The third is the payment system, which allows users to pay for their order using different payment methods such as credit cards or cash payments.
  • The fourth is the delivery service, which allows users to track their order status and schedule deliveries for later.
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UI/UX Design

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Front-end Dev

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Back-end Dev

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SEO Optimization

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